Since launching my group coaching program earlier this year I have received great feedback and encouragement to go ahead with a second program which will now start in May. This program is six months in length with monthly 2-1/2 hour meetings on the second Wednesday of every month commencing May 11. The location will be at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Calgary.
This program is ideal for existing small business owners as well as individuals with new or recent business start-ups who could use some help in launching their business successfully. We will cover several topics including how to build a solid business plan, marketing and sales strategies, and leadership. Participants will receive business planning templates and an individual DISC behaviour assessment report to understand their behavour style and how to adjust their approach to increase personal effectiveness. We will use a mastermind format to allow learning and sharing of insights across all participants.
More information is available by clicking here:
Group Coaching and Mastermind Program
For more information or to register please email us at or call me at 403-461-6458.